OKGreens, is an “fair-trade” eCommerce channel, exclusive for all Organic and Natural Items. Cooperated by Farmers and Social Enthusiast to purchase and supply the food and farm items in urban. Consumer shall know, the “real value” (not only price) of the food, the process of its cultivation and handling. OKGreens is openly connecting the consumers with farmer. We do encourage partnership between the urban volunteers and Farmers in “Cooperative Farming Model”. OKGreens provide IT services to Organic shops, to sell their value-added products, on our MobileApp.
Download our refreshing MobileApp, for Open and Fair shopping experience, for your Organic Kitchen.

1. Save Nature
The Scientific reason to adopt Organic/Natural (Prakrutik)
Pesticides are chemical compounds that are used to kill pests, including insects, rodents, fungi, and unwanted plants (weeds). By their very nature, pesticides are potentially toxic to other organisms, including humans, and need to be used safely and disposed of properly.

2. Improving the Economic Situation of the Farmer
Why Prakrutik (Organic/Natural) is only option for India
Most Organic Farmers are struggling due to poor policy measures, rising input costs and limited markets, says a study by the Associated Chambers of Commerce for Commerce and Industry India (India) and global consultancy firm Ernst & Young. According to the World Organic Agriculture 2018 report, India accounts for 5% of the world’s total organic producers, but only 2.59% (1.5 million hectares) of the total organic 57 million hectares.

3. Improving Health of People
Pesticides have big impact on our Health
Pesticides are toxic and, unfortunately, they cause more harm to eco-system than the “pests” they are targeted. It is toxic, and exposure to pesticides can have many health impacts. They are linked to a range of serious illnesses and diseases, ranging from respiratory problems to cancer.

4. Chemical Release of Soil
For the past 10,000 years, humans have grown plants and the technology that I have grown in farming has been the third task of cultivating. Farmers in the F area donated their food and fiber F, and this was due to the slight change in their R behavior for the first time. Although SSGCB does not release any pesticides and fertilizers at the production site, there were significant changes in agriculture.

5. Explain the Importance of Organic Food
Diet - All imbalanced nutritional advice 3 in confusion?
These simple tips can show you how to eat, plan, enjoy, and stick to that healthy!
Healthy eating is not the same as strict diet, Ava! You can stay thin, or disassociate yourself with foods you love. I think it is great, having a QP, improving your tone and boosting your foods.

6. Trained Green Commando for Organic Farming
Raw budgets are essential for farmers to train on natural endeavors” Here is a floor to help develop skills, knowledge and ideas. To be trained in IQ in India, Krish B is required in the school part of the school, which will be selected through the VI training program in agriculture. But from the outset, agro-based farming has a very serious problem in agriculture. One of the biggest changes is the farmer’s respectability.

7. Agricultural Cooperative Model
In the context of expanding access and access to services for smallholder farmers through the creation or joining of co-operatives and organisations, in the context of acquiring new services? Utilising seeds and tools such as fertiliser; And the marketing skills and skills needed to earn sales from sales of their products. iZ cannot afford to lend a small shareholder’s partner in iZ, to land-use laws, and negotiate the essence and conditions of negotiations to join QSI’s chains or contract farming. Success? The challenge of raising an 8 toe is outstanding.

8. Provide organic farming Knowledge
Training on “budget budgeting natural phage” is the ground floor for helping farmers develop their work; work skills, knowledge and B opinions. In order to spread training in IQ in India, Krishi B requires a skilled IB in a vocational field whose selection I K B training in agriculture.